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Power of AI & ML

Writing Assistant (ChatGPT)

Our ChatGPT Writing Assistant for Positive Teammates Communication is a streamlined AI expereince designed to enhance team interactions. Key features include:

  • Positive Language Reinforcement: Suggests constructive phrasing to maintain a supportive tone.
  • Conflict Resolution: Offers guidance for diplomatically addressing misunderstandings.
  • Emotion Recognition: Advises on emotional tone to prevent misinterpretations.
  • Inclusive Communication: Ensures language is respectful and inclusive.
  • Collaboration Boost: Encourages collaborative and clear communication.
  • Real-Time Assistance: Integrates seamlessly into user comments and long text for projects, ideas, blogs and events for immediate support.

Recommending Teammates

Our unique K-Nearest Neighbors (KNN) algorithm is designed to analyze and understand the way each user interacts and innovates, creating personalized composite profiles. These insights assist Talent Development in guiding employees to enhance their core skills. Additionally, our Recommend Teammates feature leverages these profiles, alongside individual skills and demographic information, to recommend potential team members, facilitating the formation of effective teams.

Our AI Engine is equipped to work with various personality frameworks, including MBTI, DISC, and OCEAN (Big 5), giving you the flexibility to select from these data points as you see fit. These suggestions are not only skill-based but also consider personality compatibility, helping you effortlessly assemble your ideal team. We are here to empower you in this process.

Relating Ideas & Patents

Innovation Minds employs advanced AI engines to cross-reference your new idea proposals with existing ones in your program’s database as well as USPTO.

While you input your idea’s title and description, either by typing or using voice-to-text, our system’s NLP technology actively identifies and displays similar ideas from the database in real-time side by side with matching US Patents.

As an innovator, this technology gives you the choice to either proceed with your original idea or consider integrating your concept with a related one that’s already in development.

To achieve this, our AI engine utilizes the TF-IDF algorithm (Term Frequency — Inverse Document Frequency) combined with cosine similarity, ensuring efficient and accurate idea matching.

Consolidating Ideas

This feature enables innovators, mentors, judges, and program administrators to consolidate and de-deduplicate ideas identified as related.

It provides both ‘Merge To’ or ‘Merge From’ options to either merge your idea to a related idea or also to split them apart.

Both of the idea teams will be informed of the consolidation or deconsolidation via emails. The action is also added as a work progress comment to both ideas.

Sentiment Score

Sentiment analysis is contextual mining of user comments which identifies and extracts subjective information and helping you to understand the social sentiment of the ideas, projects, challenges, and events while monitoring online conversations.

We use an intelligent smart search algorithm called Contextual Semantic Search (a.k.a. CSS) to identify and report sentiments Real-time to the users as they enter their comments, also as the aggregated sentiment score to the stakeholders as a means of scoring and judging them.

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